
信貸台南關廟信貸德阿14日爭冠 歐美10度對決

中國時報【廖德修╱綜合報導】巴西世足賽4強戰昨天經過正規與延長共120分鐘仍踢成0比0,「藍白軍團」阿根廷最後在PK戰以4比2氣走「橘子軍團」荷蘭,取得台北時間14日凌晨3時、於里約熱內盧馬拉卡納球場決戰德國的冠軍戰門票。這是阿根廷暌違24年後再度打進冠軍戰,上次在1990年義大利世界盃以0比1飲恨,對手正是西德。德、阿歷來第3度在世足決賽爭鋒,也是所有爭冠組合之最。本屆是世足史上第10次由歐洲、南美球隊爭冠,前9次南美贏了7次。而過去7次在美洲舉辦的世足賽,全由南美球隊留下冠軍盃,包括巴西3次,阿根廷與烏拉圭各2次。不過1930、50年烏拉圭是分別擊敗阿根廷、巴西封王,因此有5次是由巴西或阿根廷,讓前來挑戰的歐洲球隊鎩羽而歸。本屆阿根廷當然要為美洲再保顏面,但需遭遇強悍德國,尤其在日爾曼戰車以7比1輾平地主巴西「森巴軍團」之後,更被各界看好,可望成為首支在美洲奪冠的歐洲球隊。有趣的是,由於巴西、阿根廷是「足球世仇」,儘管阿根廷成了美洲最後一道防線,但巴西人可不領情。有當地媒體報導:「真是雪上加霜,阿根廷晉級了!在巴西無法成為六冠王之際,還得面臨『死敵』阿根廷可能在全世界最大足球場奪走世界盃冠軍的窘境。」更有媒體進一步呼籲球迷「我們都是德國球迷」,也就是把慘敗給日耳曼人的羞辱放在其次,冠軍戰暫時成為德國球迷,因為「他們(阿根廷)來了!」此外,阿根廷、德國(含西德)歷年對陣紀錄是9勝5和6敗,阿隊戰績較佳。但若比歷屆世足賽,德國則以4勝1和1敗占上風,尤其最近3次交手都贏,包括前兩屆,即2010、06年都讓阿根廷止於8強。阿根廷唯一勝利為1986年墨西哥世足賽,以3比2氣走西德,舉起該隊第2座「大力神盃」。(相關新聞刊A6、B4)■ 世足民調/德國「日耳曼坦克」對決阿根廷「探戈軍團」,你看好誰搶下金盃? Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Germany's Benedikt Hoewedes fights for the ball with Brazil's Paulinho during their 2014 World Cup semi-finals at the Mineirao stadium in Belo Horizonte July 8, 2014. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (BRAZIL ... 較多Germany's Benedikt Hoewedes fights for the ball with Brazil's Paulinho during their 2014 World Cup semi-finals at the Mineirao stadium in Belo Horizonte July 8, 2014. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci (BRAZIL - Tags: SOCCER SPORT WORLD CUP) 較少 1 / 30 Reuters | 拍攝者 MARCOS BRINDICCI / REUTERS 2014年7月9日週三 台北標準時間上午5時26分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image Description Toggle View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View View 1 - 25 / 30 Netherlands' Arjen Robben goes down under a challenge from Argentina's Martin Demichelis during the World Cup semifinal soccer match between the Netherlands and Argentina at the Itaquerao Stadium in ... 較多Netherlands' Arjen Robben goes down under a challenge from Argentina's Martin Demichelis during the World Cup semifinal soccer match between the Netherlands and Argentina at the Itaquerao Stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil, Wednesday, July 9, 2014. (AP Photo/Martin Meissner) 較少 1 / 30 Associated Press | 拍攝者 Martin Meissner 2014年7月10日週四 台北標準時間上午5時57分 Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Pinterest Close Previous imageNext image



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